Our corporate website febotele.com is using cookies. A cookie is a text file in the format .txt, which the host server of our corporate website sends to the browser application that an individual visitor of our corporate website is using when entering our corporate website. It is stored locally on the hard drive of the computer or telecommunication device used by the individual visitor of our corporate website when entering our corporate website. The data written into this file includes information on the IP address (Internet Protocol), the internet access service provider, the duration and frequency of a page visit sessions within our corporate website, data which was viewed or downloaded, the type of computer or telecommunication device used by the individual visitor of our corporate website as well as the geographical location of the individual visitor of our corporate website.
The data collected is read out from the cookie file by and retained on the website server / host in electronic form. The purpose for collecting this data is to identify a specific individual visitor after entering our corporate website. This data related to the individual visitor of our corporate website may be used by Simply Trust for internal statistical and analytical purpose only.
By entering our corporate website febotele.com, we have asked you to submit your explicit consent to the cookie policy in electronic form.